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Writer's picture: DominiqueDominique

How to create healthy habits that stick, in one week!

If the word "lifestyle" makes your head spin, you are not alone. Staying stuck in our patterns, even toxic ones, can be easier than making a change. We all know take-out 3x a week isn't the best choice, but then comes the 'oh well, there's always next week' and the spring mix goes in the trash...again. That special you purchased at your local fitness studio, it only works if you actually *go* to a class; and yes, you have time. It's not magic (but oh do I wish it was!), it's management. Ready? Grab your wand, eh pen, and let's go:

Use a Planner

Our phones are amazing, and awful, all at once. They can help us navigate on a road trip, skip the dole whip line, check our finances, and more. They can also be a giant black hole of nothing (I'm looking at you suggested Insta-feed). If your calendar is on your phone you're only one click away from distraction. Pen and planner are your new personal assistant. I've literally used the same style planner (new every January) for years and love it. I'll link it HERE for you (this is the academic version, I use the yearly).


Make a list and be realistic. Work. Life. Side hustle. Dreams. Whatever it is, write it down. Then, break it up. Small tasks? Go ahead and put them in your planner ASAP so you can check them off. Medium or recurring tasks? Figure out the best place in your weekly schedule and commit to that time and task every week. Big tasks? Stop procrastinating (it's me, I'm talking to myself here). Set aside 1 hour a week to focus on your big task: maybe it's breaking it down into more manageable pieces, maybe it's simply getting started, or a combination of both.

Set Your Schedule

We all have one, so use it. Working 9-5 (and you're welcome for getting that stuck in your head)? Set aside one 15 minute break to complete a small task. Unconventional work hours? That's cool too! Put your schedule in your planner (see step 1), work is obviously a non-negotiable. Now add in your must-have activities, here are just a few examples:

  • Kid's activities (if applicable)

  • Partner's work hours (so you get some time together)

  • Your activities (fitness classes, run club, etc)

Finally, add in some you time. This can be for a friend's night, crafting, binge-watching The Secrets of Sulphur Springs (do it!), anything that is relaxing to you.

When you write it all down you'll be surprised how much time you actually have left in the week. And if you need to make a few more, check out my last blog post Meal Prep Managed on how to save time in the kitchen.

Stick With It

Commit to yourself and your schedule. If it's in your planner, it's set in stone. 'I don't feel like it' is no longer an option; and trust me, you'll feel better checking off that box in the end. Life happens, and by life I mean traffic, upset bellies, and late work nights. The goal isn't to be perfect, it's to be committed. Miss your Monday night fitness class? Check your schedule and sign up for another one before the week is over. Overwhelmed at work? See if you can take an extra long lunch and make it up on another day. Once you see it, time is your friend...and I promise you have enough.

Ready to take back your time?! Share your planner selfies to social media and tag me @pushupsandpixiedust!

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Writer's picture: DominiqueDominique

If your idea of meal prep is buying from the frozen dinner section of the grocery story or having your favorite take-out on speed dial, let's chat for a moment. First, repeat after me: meal prep is possible. Next grab a pencil and paper, you're going to want to write a few things down:

  • Plan Ahead

  • Make a Grocery List (and stick to it)

  • Prep

  • Portion

  • Enjoy

It really is that simple when you break it down. There are different methods to each approach, but I'm going to stick to what works for me in this blog post!

Plan Ahead:

Whether you are following a specific nutritional plan or simply want to make better choices planning is key. Having food at the ready makes staying fueled throughout the day easy (we all know life gets in the way, so don't overcomplicate it). Every Thursday night my husband and I grab our meal planning notebook (step one: buy a dedicated notebook, stop writing everything down on post-its!) and come up with a menu for the week. We love soups in the winter, salads in the summer, and a daily smoothie is a must in our house! Keep it simple. Find foods you can buy in bulk, fruits and veggies that will keep up to a week, and (most important!) ones you will actually eat.

You're probably thinking 'but what about my favorite cookbooks/recipes?'. Don't fret! You can adapt almost any recipe to your nutritional goals. Some of my favorite cookbooks are:

Make a Grocery List

Our brains are still holding onto our childhood best friend's phone number, don't expect room for your grocery list: step two, write it down.

You can use an app (some grocery stores, like Wegmans, have a list feature right in the app!) or pen and paper it is up to you, all that matters is you can check things off. This will save you time and money at the store!


Let's get cooking! Step three: get into the kitchen. Since you'll be cooking more than you would for your typical meal, here are my tried-and-true ways to get in, get prepped, and get out!

  • Get all your meals grouped together

    • Having everything in front of you ensures you don't forget a key ingredient

  • See what appliances you'll need (oven, stove, air fryer, etc)

    • Be efficient: use only what you need

  • Categorize by appliance

    • I like to keep things moving. If I'm making mushrooms and kale for one meal and then ground beef for another I'll cook the veggies first, toss them in a bowl and then cook the meat in the already heated/seasoned pan. This will save time and energy costs! Same for the oven, put as many things in at once as you can and vary the cooking times as needed.

  • Get cooking

    • Once you have a plan, don't stop to think. Start cooking and you'll be done before you know it!


This part it up to you: you can choose to toss everything into your favorite containers and mix and match throughout the week, or you can portion each meal into it's own container so you can grab-and-go. Step four: portion it out! I'm a grab-and-go person; I like to have meals ready to eat when I'm hungry. However, if you like to mix it up you might like the option of bulk prep: you can grab some chicken and quinoa one day, ground turkey and rice the next, etc. Whatever works for you is the best route here!

On average meal prep takes about 2.5 - 3 hours depending on the meals for that week; that means if I start around 10:00 a.m. on Sunday I'm done by 1:00 p.m. Between my husband and I, and the nutrition plan we follow, that's 40 meals prepped and ready to go! It saves time and money (more on the 2nd one in another post); on average that's 5-8 hours a week I'm not in the kitchen cooking and cleaning. You could pick-up a new hobby, make time for that workout program you've been wanting to start, or binge watch Disney +.

Ready to get started? Tag me in your #mealprepmanaged posts on Instagram (I'm @pushupsandpixiedust!). Interested in learning more? Join me for a week long Meal Prep Managed Course, e-mail for full details!

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